水曜日, 2月 04, 2009


Vimdoc : the online source for Vim documentation


Linux.com :: Vim tips: Using tabs and it's summary
Linux.com :: Vim tips: Using Vim mappings and abbreviations

Opening a tab
vim -p file1 file2 file3 Open more than one file at startup using the -p option
:set tabpagemax=15 Set the maxinum number of tabs

:tabnew Open a new tab with an empty buffer
:tabnew filename Edit a file in the new tab
:tabf inver* Allow to search for a file in current path and open it in a new tab
:next or :last Move to the files that are not displayed in a tab
:tabs See what tabs are open
Moving between tabs
:tabn or :tabp Switch between tabs
gt Switch between tabs in normal mode
:tabfir(st) Jump to the first tab
:tablast Jump to the last tab
Rearranging tabs
:tabm Move the current tab to the last spot
:tabm n Move the tabs to a specific spot in the tab order
Running command in tabs
:tabdo %s/foo/bar/g Run a search and replace through all of the tabs at once

Vimコマンド 覚書

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