水曜日, 2月 11, 2009

Berry Linuxの中国語化(シリーズⅡ)

Berry Linuxは大袈裟に言うとFedora + KnoppixのLinuxで、日本の方によって開発されたOSです。個人的にFedoraとKnoppixが好きで、FedoraとKnoppixのいい所をもぎ取って作られたBerry Linuxに対して、たいへん興味を持っています。Knoppixのハードウェアの自動検索機能とFedoraの豊富なパッケージの組み合わせで、自分に適したOSと認識してます。

  1. 中国語フォント




    Wen Quan Yi Bitmap Song CJK Fonts

    Installation Guide


    The WenQuanYi Bitmap Song font (medium and bold weight) was
    packaged into three equivalent formats: BDF (Bitmap Distribution
    Format), PCF (Portable Compiled Format) and TTF(True-type).
    All formats are supported by most modern X-window systems
    (TTF format requires FreeType 2.x or later). You can choose
    any of them based on your preference.

    == Quick Summary ==

    We highly suggest you downloading our DEB (for debian-based
    systems) or RPM (for Redhat-based systems) installation
    packages. One-command-installation can be achieved by
    dpkg -i wqy-bitmapfont-*.deb
    for deb package, or
    rpm -ivh wqy-bitmapfont-*.rpm
    For some users, the installed font can not be selected
    from font list, you may verify and make sure that a file
    named "85-wqy-bitmapsong.conf" is copied to /etc/fonts/conf.d

    == PCF/BDF Package Installation ==

    1. download

    You can find the installation package from
    our sourceforge download site at


    choose the latest release and select your preferred
    font format, save the installation file to a temporary
    directory, for example /tmp.

    2. decompression

    The package is usually a gz-ed tarball, to extract the files

    tar zxvf wqy-bitmapfont*.tar.gz


    gunzip wqy-bitmapfont*.tar.gz
    tar xvf wqy-bitmapfont*.tar

    3. move directory (optional)

    You can find all extracted file under a subdirectory
    called "wqy-bitmapfont". You might want to move this
    directory to the location where you want
    to install the font, a good place is


    To move the directory, you need to use "su" or "sudo" to obtain
    root privileges. (If you don't have root privileges, please
    refer to Section 6)

    4. font path setup

    Now you need to tell X-window where to find the installed font.
    There are two major font management mechanisms: X-core font
    and fontconfig. We will discuss the installation for
    X-core font first.

    Assuming you have installed the font to

    execute the follow commands

    cd /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/wqy-bitmapfont/
    rm fonts.dir fonts.scale fc-cache.*
    mkfontdir .
    cp fonts.dir fonts.scale
    xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/wqy-bitmapfont/

    the last command adds the font path to the font path
    list of current X-window session. To permanently add this path,
    you need to add

    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/wqy-bitmapfont/"

    to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, under any line starting with "FontPath",
    for example:

    FontPath "unix/:7100"

    if your system does not have xorg.conf, you are probabily
    running XFree86, then you should do the same thing for

    If you see "unix/:7100" in your xorg.conf, your X window
    is using "xfs". Typing the path to the font in /etc/X11/fs/config
    under the line "catalogue =/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,"
    can do the same thing as you modify xorg.conf.

    Now you have done with X Core font set up. Most recent
    versions of Linux X programs support Xft/fontconfig, which
    is a set of font search/selection rules. To make fontconfig
    aware of the newly installed WenQuanYi bitmap font, you need to
    insert the following line


    to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf or ~/.fonts.conf, however, if you
    installed the font into a subdirectory under /usr/share/fonts/,
    this is not required.

    we provided a fontconfig file specifically optimized for wqy bitmap fonts,
    named "85-wqy-bitmapsong.conf". To activate the optimized settings, you
    need to install this file as well. If /etc/fonts/conf/ directory exists
    in your system, please directly move this file to that directory. If it does
    not exist, you need to add the following line to the
    end of /etc/fonts/fonts.conf (before )


    if you are using the latest fontconfig-2.4.x, you can also move this file
    to ~/.fontconfig/ directory, it will also do the job.

    After all of above steps, type "fc-cache -f -v" to update fontconfig,
    In most cases, you need to restart your X-window in order to activate
    all the settings.

    5. test

    To test if the font is successfully installed, the following

    /usr/X11R6/bin/xlsfonts grep 'wenquanyi'

    would print something like followings (you may also see font names for gb2312/big5 etc)

    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-bold-r-normal--0-0-75-75-p-0-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-119-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-bold-r-normal--13-130-75-75-p-80-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-bold-r-normal--15-150-75-75-p-80-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-bold-r-normal--16-160-75-75-p-80-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-medium-r-normal--0-0-75-75-p-0-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-119-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-medium-r-normal--13-130-75-75-p-80-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-medium-r-normal--15-150-75-75-p-80-iso10646-1
    -wenquanyi-wenquanyi bitmap song-medium-r-normal--16-160-75-75-p-80-iso10646-1

    for fontconfig, you need

    fc-list grep 'WenQuanYi'

    you would expect to see the following two lines as output

    WenQuanYi Bitmap Song:style=Bold
    WenQuanYi Bitmap Song:style=Regular

    With KDE or GNOME font selection tools, you should be able to see
    "WenQuanYi Bitmap Song" in the font name list.

    6. installation as a normal user

    If you do not have root privilege, for example, you are using
    public machines, to install this font is also very simple.
    If you are using KDE, find "Control Center" from the K-menu
    (or type kcontrol from console), choose "System Administration"
    and click on "Font Installer", right click on the middle panel,
    choose "add font", locate the extracted fonts (bdf/pcf) files.

    If you are using Gnome environment, double click on "Computer",
    type "fonts:/" on the address bar, and type enter. Open another
    file browser and select the bdf/pcf.gz font files, drag or
    copy/paste to the fonts:/ folder.

    If you do not have X-window started, you can also install the
    font by extracting the BDF/PCF files to ~/.fonts/ directory
    (if it does not exist, create one after making sure you have
    fontconfig installed).

    You may also add the following line to ~/.fonts.conf to use
    pre-set configurations


    7. Turn on Chinese language support on your system

    To correctly display Chinese, your system should
    support Chinese language. You need to install the related
    packages (for example, sudo apt-get install kde-i18n-Chinese*)
    Then put the following line


    into ~/.i18n and reboot your system (this file may not exist, in
    that case, you need to create it first by "touch ~/.i18n".
    you can also use other locales in the output of
    "ls -d /usr/lib/locale/zh_*"). To enable command line Chinese
    message, replace "LC_CTYPE" by "LC_ALL". If you want all menu displayed
    with Chinese language, on KDE, goto "Control center", click on "Region and
    Assistance", find "Country/Region and Language", choose "Chinese" from
    "Add language"; if you are using Gnome, you need to select "Preference"
    and "Language", then add "Chinese". Restart your X or system
    if necessary to enable this setting. If you can not select "Chinese" for
    either desktop environments, you need to install the corresponding
    language package first.

    == TTF Package Installation ==

    To install TTF version of Wenquanyi bitmap font is a little bit tricky.
    The font file is a special type of TTF, called SFNT (or sbit only) TTF.
    This format is supported by FreeType 2.x or later. Unfortunately,
    ttfmkdir and fc-cache can not recognize this format. So, we packaged
    hand-writen configuration files, fonts.dir/fonts.scale/fonts.cache-1,
    in the release.

    The installation process is very similar to PCF/BDF version, you can
    type ttmkfdir and fc-cache -fv, in that case, the hand-writen config
    files will be overwriten. You can find a font.config.tar.gz in the
    installation file, you need to decompress this file and restore
    the correct fonts.* files. In the future, anytime you submit
    fc-cache -fv, you need to repeat the above process.

    == RPM Package Installation ==

    if your system support RPM, to use RPM package is the simplest.
    you simply type

    sudo rpm -Uvh wqy-bitmapfont*noarch.rpm

    then after restarting your X-window, you should be able
    to use this font.

    == Other issues ==

    For some old applications, such as Emacs, XMMS, you may need to
    do some extra configurations, you can search our FAQ page for
    more details



    文泉驿のサイトにFedora 8 文泉驿字体使用指南があります。
    1. 文泉驿点阵宋体
       sudo yum install wqy-bitmap-fonts
    2. 文泉驿正黑体
       sudo yum install wqy-zenhei-fonts
    3. 文泉驿Unibit
       sudo yum install wqy-unibit-fonts

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