水曜日, 2月 04, 2009


  1. CDの内容をUSBにコピー ⇒ isolinux.***のファイル名の"iso"の部分を"sys"に書き換える ⇒ syslinux -ma USBフラッシュメモリのドライブレター

  2. Run grubinst_gui ⇒ Copy grldr and menu.lst to the usb drive ⇒ Copy everything from CD to USB Flash Drive 詳細はGRUB for DOS めも

    install grub4dos, make usb bootable from windows
    1. download latest grub4dos here: http://download.gna.org/grub4dos/ and copy the extracted grldr and menu.lst to your usb flashdrive
    2. download grubutil for windows then extract all and run grubinst_gui.exe
    3. install

      1. Select from the menu 'Disk' and click 'Disk Refresh' then choose your usb device.
      2. Select 'Part List Refresh' and choose 'Whole Disk (MBR)'
      3. Click 'Install'

Create a Bootable VistaPE USB Hard Drive or Flashdrive

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