火曜日, 1月 12, 2010

学習(1):FlashDevelopとFlex 3 SDKでAdobe AIR

htmlとcssとJavaScriptでAdobe AIR
FlashDevelopとFlex 3 SDKでAdobe AIR
Turorial HelloWorld AIR application in Linux. Create a package from scratch

  1. a main file – this can be either an MXML (.mxml) or ActionScript (.as) file, it maybe a html file
    As .mxml or .as file, use following command to create a .swf file
    amxmlc -load-config “/home/lefteris/flex/frameworks/air-config.xml” -output HelloWorld.swf HelloWorld.mxml
  2. An application descriptor file using the XML markup

  3. Use the following to visualize the result
    adl HelloWorld.xml
    To Create a .air file, use
    adt -certificate -cn HelloWorld 1024-RSA certificate.pfx password
    to create a certificate.pfx file in the current directory. Use
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore certificate.pfx HelloWorld.air HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swf
    to package files to a .air.
    When flashdevelop IDE is used, two files called CreateCertificate.bat and PackageApplication.bat can be used to complete the certificating and packaging work

  4. To install the .air on linux
    sudo Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /home/lefteris/714/air/helloworld/HelloWorld.air
    On Windows, just double it or run the following command
    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe"

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