水曜日, 4月 01, 2009

Tomcat5 - server.xml

Tomcat5 - server.xml


◎ Variables substitution in server.xml and web.xml in Tomcat as posted ${user.home} and other server.xml tags accepted by Tomcat?
As replied by Rainer

The answer depends on the exact version you are using. All version 5.5
and 6 Tomcats and recent version 4.1 Tomcat supports resolving
${somevariable} in server.xml by looking at system properties automatically.

Some properties are set during Tomcat startup, like catalina.home and
catalina.base. Others you can set yourself by either adding to the
commandline "-Dsomevariable=somevalue" or adding to the end of
◎ Use different server.xml file in Tomcat configuration
./tomcat.sh start -f /var/tmp/server-${USER}.xml

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