水曜日, 6月 30, 2010

catch InvalidAuthenticityToken Error

catch InvalidAuthenticityToken Error

ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection.module_eval do

alias :vat :verify_authenticity_token

def verify_authenticity_token(*args)

vat(*args) rescue redirect_to logout_path



Rails 2.0・その12(CSRFを勝手に防止)

Rails 2.0・その12(CSRFを勝手に防止)

土曜日, 6月 19, 2010

火曜日, 6月 15, 2010

Ajax Push Engine - Complete Comet solution

Ajax Push Engine - Complete Comet solution

StreamHub is a highly-scalable HTTP Comet and Reverse Ajax server allowing you to push live data to a web browser without requiring any plugins or security-policy changes.

Liberator is the most performant and fully-featured server currently available for streaming real-time data to web pages.

rupy A tiny Java NIO HTTPd.

Introducing Hotdot

Setting Up Orbited Server, IRC Chat Example