日曜日, 1月 31, 2010



Syslog File

The default syslog file depends on your OS distribution. For example, in Debian Linux is “/var/log/syslog” and in RedHat Linux is “/var/log/messages”.



What is jQuery.sheet?

What is jQuery.sheet?





GeoHex Google Maps API For Flash版

Welcome to LocaPoint Official Site!

Welcome to LocaPoint Official Site!



GeoHashのdecodeのアルゴリズムの解説します & ScalaのGeoHashライブラリを作ってみました(仮)


ibus-handwrite - hand write recognition/input using ibus IM engine

ibus-handwrite - hand write recognition/input using ibus IM engine

Efficient Editing With vim

Efficient Editing With vim
Splits and multi-file editing
.vimrc and customization



水曜日, 1月 27, 2010

Slowloris HTTP DoS

Slowloris HTTP DoS

nginxでreverse proxyしてslowlorisを防いでみる

DeleGate is a multi-purpose application level gateway, or a proxy server

DeleGate is a multi-purpose application level gateway, or a proxy server

nginx [engine x] is a HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.

nginx [engine x] is a HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.

Web Server Survey Archives - Netcraft

ubuntu で nginx から memcache を利用する



火曜日, 1月 26, 2010

God - A Process Monitoring Framework in Ruby

God - A Process Monitoring Framework in Ruby

clean stale pids:

clean_stale_pid ()
for PIDFILE in ls $PID_DIR/*.pid; do
if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
PIDDIR=/proc/$(cat $PIDFILE)
if ! [ -d ${PIDDIR} -a "$(readlink -f ${PIDDIR}/exe)" = $RUBYBIN ]; then
#echo "removing stale pid: $PIDFILE"
rm -f $PIDFILE

See also:


VBA と OOoBasic




土曜日, 1月 23, 2010

Ailurus = "Install software" + "Configure Linux" + "Study Linux skills"

Ailurus = "Install software" + "Configure Linux" + "Study Linux skills"

Ailurus is an application which aims at making Linux easier to use.

Ailurus supports Fedora now

木曜日, 1月 21, 2010

Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language

RUBY-DOC.ORG - Help and documentation for the Ruby programming language.

Rails Searchable API Doc

Colliding Comets: Battle of the Bayeux

Colliding Comets: Battle of the Bayeux

Part 1: Greg Wilkins explains the need for Bayeux
Part 2: Michael Carter criticizes the current state of Bayeux
Part 3: Greg Wilkins responds to Michael Carter
Andrew Betts’ thoughts (from a related article)
Part 4: Michael Carter responds to Greg Wilkins
Part 5: Kris Zyp’s thoughts
Part 6: Alex Russell responds to Michael Carter
Part 7: Michael Carter responds to Alex Russell

modwsgi - Python WSGI adapter module for Apache.

modwsgi - Python WSGI adapter module for Apache.


CometD is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses a Ajax Push technology pattern known as Comet.

CometD is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses a Ajax Push technology pattern known as Comet.

The CometD Java implementation is based on the popular Jetty Http Server and Servlet Container, for both the client and the server.

CometD JavaScript Implementation


Jetty provides an Web server and javax.servlet container, plus support for Web Sockets, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JASPI, AJP and many other integrations. These components are open source and available for commercial use and distribution.

Jetty WebSocket Server

Jetty WebSocket Server

Pushlets: Send events from servlets to DHTML client browsers

Pushlets: Send events from servlets to DHTML client browsers


What else is burried down in the depth’s of Google’s amazing JavaScript?

What else is burried down in the depth’s of Google’s amazing JavaScript?

基于WEB 的实时事件的五种通知方案

XMPP Jabber即时通讯开发实践

Comet:基于 HTTP 长连接的“服务器推”技术

Asynchronous Servers in Python

Asynchronous Servers in Python

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python’s twisted?

水曜日, 1月 20, 2010


# /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.4.2-gcj/bin/java 1
# /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jre1.6.0_06/bin/java 2
# /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java

mozilla pluginの設定

Flash CS4中文资源

Flash CS4中文资源

J2EE+Flex 数据服务器有LCDS,BlazeDS,GDS(http://www.graniteds.org/),WebORB for Java(http://www.themidnightcoders.com/weborb/java/)

Desktop Nexus Wallpapers - Wallpaper, Desktop Wallpapers, Computer Backgrounds

Desktop Nexus Wallpapers - Wallpaper, Desktop Wallpapers, Computer Backgrounds

月曜日, 1月 18, 2010

CentOS4 に qpopper をインストールする

CentOS4 に qpopper をインストールする

メールサーバーを構築する(POP / IMAP - Dovecot)

メールサーバーを構築する(POP / IMAP - Dovecot)
  1. 利用するプロトコルの設定
    protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s
  2. メールボックスの設定
    mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir

dovecot 1.1.11のインストール

How do i create new email accounts in Postfix?

How do i create new email accounts in Postfix?
Usually, UNIX / Linux user account used as email account. There are other ways like use sql / ldap backend to store username and password for email server which requires additional configuration and options. You can simply create user account using useradd command and modify account using usermod command.
useradd -s /sbin/nologin username
passwd username

Maildir in /etc/skel directory, and Fedora will copy this structure to every newly created account.

Postfix+MySQL+Postfix AdminによるバーチャルSMTPサーバの構築(CentOS4.x編)

JRuby で使う Tomcat 6 の 'Comet'

JRuby で使う Tomcat 6 の 'Comet'

土曜日, 1月 16, 2010

GUI Binary Editor on Linux

Five gui hex editors for ubuntu
MadEdit is an Open-Source and Cross-Platform Text/Hex Editor written in C++ and wxWidgets
Bless is a high quality, full featured hex editor

Hex Editors for Lin/unix - A review of available hex editors for Linux/Unix.

GNOME自動起動するアプリの設定 - gnome-session-properties

$ gnome-session-properties &

KDE4 では「システム設定」->「詳細」タブ->詳細なユーザ設定の「Autostart」で自動起動を設定できる




chinamapforflash - An Flash Component for China Area Map

结合Flex Builder和Flash CS4制作一个中国地图的应用

: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script
SWFObject is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content, which utilizes one small JavaScript file

金曜日, 1月 15, 2010

Windows Live Messenger 2009でサインインできない場合に

Windows Live Messenger 2009でサインインできない場合に


  1. 「C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Contacts」フォルダ内にある「wlcomm.exe」を右クリックし、プロパティの互換性タブから「互換モードでこのプログラムを実行する」をオンにし、Windows95互換で動くように設定します。
  2. (ついでに、「Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts」フォルダも空にしておいてもいいかもしれません。

RestfulX Framework

RestfulX Framework

REST and Flex from InsideRIA - Community for Rich Internet Application Developers and Designers

Some Projects Hosted on Google Code
  • as3corelib - ActionScript 3.0 library for several basic utilities.
  • as3httpclientlib - HTTP/HTTPS client library for Actionscript 3
  • as3c - ActionScript 3 ASM compiler

jBossのEJBコンテナへのデプロイとオブジェクトの取得及びWebSphereのEAR <- EJB <- WAR関係


WebSphere/J2EEプロジェクトの開発(EAR <- EJB <- WAR)

Flash Memory Monitoring Component

Memory Monitoring Component

Player Global SWC

木曜日, 1月 14, 2010

The C10K problem

Dan Kegel's Web Hostel

The C10K problem

Finding memory bugs in Win32 applications with Valgrind

IOCP使ってサーバを作る簡単な方法に紹介されたBoost.Asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach.

A Design Framework for Highly Concurrent Systems

Boost.::ASIO, IOCP and other considerations

Real-Time Messaging System and BlazeDS

Java and Flex Integration Bible, Matthew Keefe and Charles A. Christiansen Jr. Wiley Publishing, Inc.
This is a great book for me, it has two chapter (Chapter 11: Developing a Stock Ticker with BlazeDS and Chapter 14: Building a Real-Time Messaging System) talking about asynchronous Messaging System using BlazeDS.

BlazeDS is the server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology that enables developers to easily connect to back-end distributed data and push data in real-time to Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR applications for more responsive rich Internet application (RIA) experiences.

13 Reasons for Java Programmers to Learn Flex and BlazeDS
BlazeDS のプッシュ機能(その)



第12回 サーバが通信を開始できるComet活用Webチャット

fdajax - A new Full-duplex Ajax module for for Lighttpd

To access these files from a SWF file hosted on another domain

Extract from Chapter 9 P182, Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR, friends of ED
To access these files from a SWF file hosted on another domain, you need to set up a crossdomain.xml file within your bucket:
<allow-access-from domain="*" />

To prevent access from certain domains, you can restrict your list of allowed domains as necessary from within the crossdomain.xml file:
<allow-access-from domain="*.mydomain.com" />

水曜日, 1月 13, 2010

ActionScript3.0 swc作成

ActionScript3.0 swc作成

Overlay Weaver はオーバレイ構築ツールキットです

Overlay Weaver はオーバレイ構築ツールキットです。

Overlay Weaver

PIAX is a framework to develop P2P based applications

PIAX(P2P Interactive Agent eXtensions)
PIAX is a framework to develop P2P based applications. It integrates mobile agent based messagings and P2P discovery mechanisms. As a P2P framework, it supports multiple overlays. Currently, DHT, SkipGraph, LL-Net are supported.



  1. ライブラリの位置を指定する
    mxmlc -library-path+=libs Hoge.as
  2. -config.xmlで指定する




Eeclipse 3.5 Available Software Site

--Eclipse 3.5 Galileoの「実に面白い」新機能とは--に参照しました
  1. Babel Update Site - http://download.eclipse.org/technology/babel/update-site/galileo
  2. EPP Packages Repository - http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/packages/galileo
  3. Galileo - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/staging
  4. The Eclipse Project Updates - http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/3.5

Eeclipse 3.5 Available Software Site

  1. Babel Update Site - http://download.eclipse.org/technology/babel/update-site/galileo
  2. EPP Packages Repository - http://download.eclipse.org/technology/epp/packages/galileo
  3. Galileo - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/staging
  4. The Eclipse Project Updates - http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/3.5

Alacarte: Installing Fedora’s (or Gnome’s) Graphical Menu Editor

Alacarte: Installing Fedora’s (or Gnome’s) Graphical Menu Editor

火曜日, 1月 12, 2010


Flex クイックスタート: はじめに
  1. MXMLプログラム
    mxmlc --strict=true --file-specs test01.mxml

    ヒント:Flex によって生成される ActionScript 中間ファイルを見るには、 --keep-generated-actionscript オプションを mxmlc コマンドに追加します。

  2. ActionScript

GeoTools,Process Hacker

GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit

Process Hacker is a free and open source process viewer and memory editor with unique features such as powerful process termination and a Regex memory searcher. It can show services, processes and their threads, modules, handles and memory regions.



Using conditional compilation to switch between Air and Web deploy

Conditional compilation in Moxie
Using conditional compilation to switch between Air and Web deploy
How to compile both Flex and AIR Application from the same codebase.

学習(1):FlashDevelopとFlex 3 SDKでAdobe AIR

htmlとcssとJavaScriptでAdobe AIR
FlashDevelopとFlex 3 SDKでAdobe AIR
Turorial HelloWorld AIR application in Linux. Create a package from scratch

  1. a main file – this can be either an MXML (.mxml) or ActionScript (.as) file, it maybe a html file
    As .mxml or .as file, use following command to create a .swf file
    amxmlc -load-config “/home/lefteris/flex/frameworks/air-config.xml” -output HelloWorld.swf HelloWorld.mxml
  2. An application descriptor file using the XML markup

  3. Use the following to visualize the result
    adl HelloWorld.xml
    To Create a .air file, use
    adt -certificate -cn HelloWorld 1024-RSA certificate.pfx password
    to create a certificate.pfx file in the current directory. Use
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore certificate.pfx HelloWorld.air HelloWorld-app.xml HelloWorld.swf
    to package files to a .air.
    When flashdevelop IDE is used, two files called CreateCertificate.bat and PackageApplication.bat can be used to complete the certificating and packaging work

  4. To install the .air on linux
    sudo Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /home/lefteris/714/air/helloworld/HelloWorld.air
    On Windows, just double it or run the following command
    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe"




* Get the debug Flash Player (You need: Projector and ActiveX)
* Get Adobe Flex 3 SDK. The free Flex SDK (2 or 3) is required for ActionScript 3 development if you don't use Flash CS3.
* Java 1.6+ is required for the Flex compiler (ActionScript 3).

Flex3 SDKをLinux(CentOS5)にインストールする
Flex DataVisialization Components

See:C/C++ のコードを Flash Player 上で動かす Alchemy,Tutorial - Using Flex Builder Linux with AIR 1.5.1

Overview of the ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference
Adobe Flex 3 Help
MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual
PHP Manual



# gem install rubygems-update
# update_rubygems

月曜日, 1月 11, 2010

List of Ruby Gems Download Sites

  1. http://rubyforge.org/
    Here various compiled gems for windows can be downloaded. For example: json,fastthread,mongrel
  2. http://gemcutter.org/gems/


木曜日, 1月 07, 2010


Run emerge -vpe world to list all currently installed packages and their enabled and disabled USE flags

Emerge GNOME
# emerge -vp gnome
(Look at the list of packages and their USE flags,
then edit make.conf if required.
# nano -w /etc/make.conf
(The following USE flags have been defined)
USE="nptl nptlonly -ipv6 -fortran unicode svg hal dbus \
-kde -qt3 -qt4 -arts -eds -esd gnome gstreamer gtk firefox"

# emerge gnome
(326 packages have been emerged)

Emerge KDE
# emerge -vp kde-meta
(Look at the list of packages and their USE flags,
then edit make.conf if required.
# nano -w /etc/make.conf
The following USE flags have been defined)
USE="nptl nptlonly -ipv6 -fortran unicode svg hal dbus \
kde qt3 qt4 -arts -eds -esd -gnome -gstreamer -gtk -firefox"

# emerge kde-meta


# emerge eselect

# eselect kernel list

# eselect kernel set 1

日曜日, 1月 03, 2010

Puppet is system administration - My Beginning of Server Administration

Puppet is system administration — Automated, see Puppet can ease system administration tasks across the network for an introduction

memcached - a distributed memory object caching system
Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It reduces bandwidth and improves response times by caching and reusing frequently-requested web pages.

Nagios - The Industry Standard in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Zabbix - An Enterprise-Class Open Source Distributed Monitoring Solution
Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. monitのRPMパッケージをビルドする(RPM packages for Red Hat, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora) Monit Recipe monitのrpmファイル作成 monitでプロセスを監視する

Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and "what just happened to kill our performance?" problems.
Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDTool's data storage and graphing functionality.

MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher

mtop/mkill - MySQL Monitoring Tools