月曜日, 6月 30, 2008

[jQuery] Find first parent element with certain style

[jQuery] Find first parent element with certain style

Here's a snippet I've used in the past:

var bgcolor = function(el) {
var color = jQuery(el).css('background-color');
if(/^(rgbatransparent)/.test(color) && el.parentNode)
return arguments.callee(el.parentNode);
return color;

Use it like this:

var mybgcolor = bgcolor($('#myelement')[0]);


日曜日, 6月 29, 2008

木曜日, 6月 26, 2008

Mono Mailing Lists

lists.ximian.com Mailing Lists

.NETに関して、興味がありますが、なかなかWindows OSがきらいなので、Windows環境で.NETを開発しようとしても、ぜんぜん進めませんでした。FedoraにMonoで.NETプログラムをするつもりなので、これから色んなMono関連のソフトをインストールして、試しにいきます。

Finding RPM repository on rpmfind.net

Welcome to the RPM repository on rpmfind.net



水曜日, 6月 25, 2008

Changing the Underlying Implementation of XML Parsing

Changing the Underlying Implementation
A JAXP implementation comes with a default parser, transformer, xpath engine, and a schema validator, but, as mentioned earlier, JAXP is a pluggable API, and we can plug in any JAXP complaint processor to change the defaults. To do that we must set the appropriate javax.xml.xxx.yyyFactory property pointing to the fully qualified class name of the new yyyFactory. Then, when yyyFactory.newInstance() is invoked, JAXP uses the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the implementation class to load:
  1. Use the javax.xml.xxx.yyyFactory system property.

  2. Use the properties file "lib/jaxp.properties" in the JRE directory. The jaxp.properties file is read only once by the JAXP 1.3 implementation and its values are then cached for future use. If the file does not exist when the first attempt is made to read from it, no further attempts are made to check for its existence. It is not possible to change the value of any property in jaxp.properties after it has been read for the first time.

  3. Use the Services API (as detailed in the JAR specification), if available, to determine the classname. The Services API will look for the classname in the file META-INF/services/javax.xml.xxx.yyyFactory in jars available to the runtime.

  4. Use the platform default javax.xml.xxx.yyyFactory instance

    where javax.xml.xxx.yyyFactory can be one of the following:
      javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory:schemaLanguage (schemaLanguage is the parameter passed to the newInstance method of SchemaFactory)

Extract From XML Transformation Using the TrAX APIs in JAXP

金曜日, 6月 13, 2008


ウェブに検索して、Embed Google 'My Maps'ブログが出てきした。試して、京都を中心としての地図をつくりました。

月曜日, 6月 09, 2008

Change Ubuntu Bootsplash Theme - Usplash customization guide

This article is linked to the
Change Ubuntu Bootsplash Theme - Usplash customization guide

Ubuntu Weekly Recipe

Kubuntu KDE 4 Remix(最新のKDE 4.0)
    apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop



Ubuntu DVD Releases

Fedora Public Active Mirrors

Ubuntu Tutorials: A few essential HowTos and links for users starting with Ubuntu Linux.

火曜日, 6月 03, 2008

How do I increase the size of virtual disks in either VMware Workstation or VMware GSX Server?

Q: How do I increase the size of virtual disks in either VMware Workstation or VMware GSX Server?

A: By using Norton Ghost to increase the virtual disk size.


  1. To increase the disk size of the virtual machine, you need to have Norton Ghost or a Norton Ghost bootable floppy disk or image and sufficient disk space. Here's how it's done:
    Power off the virtual machine.
  2. Add a new HDD to the virtual machine with the new size that you need to expand to. (Note: the new HDD {Virtual device node - ide/scsi} type should be configured same as source HDD)
  3. Create a Norton Ghost dos boot floppy, by clicking on: Ghost utilities > Norton ghost boot wizard > standard ghost boot disk
  4. Power on the virtual machine and boot using the newly created ghost boot disk.
  5. When the virtual machine boots and starts the Ghost application, select the Local disk-to-disk option.
  6. Select the first drive (the existing smaller HDD) as the source disk and second drive (the newly added bigger HDD) as destination disk.
  7. Ghost will now transfer your existing data to the new HDD that you have defined.
  8. Power off the virtual machine when Ghost completes its process of copying, and remove the floppy disk from the floppy drive.
  9. Now using the VMware Configuration Editor, remove the smaller HDD and power on the virtual machine.
The above steps can be used for increasing disk sizes of SCSI to SCSI and ide to ide HDD. Remember that your old smaller HDD disk file still exists in the host machine, and it may need to be deleted manually.

日曜日, 6月 01, 2008

Ubuntu LiveUSB

Ubuntu LiveUSBを作成するため、Ubuntu Geekに掲載した二つのサイトをここに書いて、参考とします。

